Sunday, August 30, 2009

bazar ramadan disana sini..

huh diam xdiam dh msok 8 hari aq berpuase..
heehe yg nikmat ny pose ni pasl once tiap kali pose
mesti kte akn dpt mlihat bazr2 membanjiri pesisiran lot parking..

ermm ni la yg dikatekan nikmat nye ramadan yerk..
*mak nk beli mercun!!*

niat puase oh puase... :)

slm ramadan al-mubarak..
msk ni kre dh 19 thun lbh aq diberi pluang untuk mnjalani ibadah pose..
walaupon yg btul2 aq pose start dr primary 3..
but pe pon ni la lumrh alam sejak azali bhwa kite ditutnt menunaikan kewajipan rukun islam yg ke 3 sbgi umt yg brgelar islam..
k r guys pape pon jgn lupe niat coz lau x mmbzr je puase korg kalau x niat..
haha.. chiil!!

Niat Puasa SEBULAN!

dan ini Niat puasa hari2...
Jangan lupa NIAT PUASA UOLS!!
Malam ni dah bole NIAT puasa tau.. ;)

aduh npe aq slalu pning pale skrg ni???

lately ni aq slalu pening2 pale..
kdng dh telan ubt smpi 3 biji pon x jln gak..
asl la..
hmm mayb factor background tmpt yg aq tnggl skrg ni kowt..

erm ni de serbe ckit yg sempt aq
surf about what cause & how 2 prevent it..
hopefully korg dpt r prevent n jgn smpi tht thing become serious
cm aq neh..
hihih xp..

Migraine Headaches

Migraine Headaches

Emily remembers her first bad headache: It was really scary. The pain was unbelievable and she felt like she was going to vomit. Emily had no idea what was happening. The headaches struck once a month, then once a week. So Emily's mom arranged for her to see a doctor.

The doctor asked Emily some questions about her headache pain and what she ate or did just before the headaches started. He also wanted to know if anyone in Emily's family had headaches. Her mom said she had had them as a teen. The doctor did a thorough physical exam and ran some tests. It turned out that Emily had migraines. The doctor prescribed medication for Emily's headaches and taught her things to do to avoid them.

What Makes a Headache a Migraine?

Almost everyone gets headaches. You might feel throbbing in the front of your head during a cold or bout with the flu, for example. Or you might feel pain in your temples or at the back of your head from a tension headache after a busy day. Most regular headaches produce a dull pain around the front, top, and sides of your head, almost like someone stretched a rubber band around it.

A migraine is different. Doctors define it as a recurrent headache that has additional symptoms. The pain is often throbbing and on one or both sides of the head. People with migraines often feel dizzy or sick to their stomachs. They may be sensitive to light, noise, or smells. Migraines can be disabling, and teens with migraines often need to skip school, sports, work, or other activities until they feel better.

If you have migraines, you are not alone. Experts estimate that up to 10% of teens and young adults in the United States get migraines. Before age 10, an equal number of boys and girls get migraines. But after age 12, during and after puberty, migraines affect girls three times more often than boys.

What Causes a Migraine?

Not all scientists agree about what causes migraines. Many believe that a migraine is caused by narrowing and expanding of the blood vessels in the brain. There are also theories that the level of certain chemicals in the brain may affect the nerve system that regulates pain.

Whatever the cause, experts do agree that different things trigger (set off) migraines in people who have them. For some people, eating certain foods brings on a migraine. Others find that sleeping too long (or too little) provokes a migraine attack.

Some common migraine triggers are:

  • stress
  • menstruation
  • skipping meals
  • too much caffeine
  • certain foods (alcohol, cheese, pizza, chocolate, ice cream, fatty or fried food, lunch meats, hot dogs, yogurt, aspartame, or anything with MSG, a seasoning often used in Asian foods)
  • sudden changes in sleep patterns
  • changes in hormone levels
  • smoking
  • weather changes
  • travel

Experts believe that the likelihood of getting migraines is inherited. If one of your parents gets migraines, you have a greater chance of having these types of headaches than someone who doesn't have a family history of migraines.

What's a Migraine Attack Like?

Most migraines last from 30 minutes to 6 hours; some can last a couple of days.

Every migraine begins differently. Some people just don't feel right. Light, smell, or sound may bother them or make them feel worse. Sometimes, if they try to continue with their usual routine after the migraine starts, they may become nauseated and vomit. Often the pain begins only on one side of the head. Trying to perform physical activities may worsen the pain.

Some people get auras, a kind of warning that a migraine is on the way. The most common auras include blurred vision and seeing spots, colored balls, jagged lines, or bright or flashing lights or smelling a certain odor. The auras may only be seen in one eye. An aura usually starts about 10 to 30 minutes before the start of a migraine. Some individuals experience a migraine premonition hours to days prior to the actual headache. This is slightly different from auras and may cause cravings for different foods, thirst, irritability, or feelings of intense energy.

Some people with migraines also have muscle weakness, lose their sense of coordination, stumble, or even have trouble talking either just before or while they have a headache.

How Do Doctors Diagnose and Treat Migraines?

Because migraine headaches are different in different people — in some people, for example, they are triggered by hormones; in others, stress and lifestyle influence headaches — how doctors treat someone depends on the type of migraine that person gets.

A doctor may ask someone having migraines to keep a headache diary to help figure out what triggers the headaches. If your doctor has asked you to keep such a diary, the information you record will help the doctor figure out the best treatment. A doctor may also take blood tests or imaging tests, such as a CAT scan or MRI of the brain, to rule out medical problems that might cause a person's migraines.

Part of treatment may involve making certain changes in your lifestyle — like changing your sleep patterns or dietary habits or avoiding certain stressors that trigger your migraines. Your doctor may also start you on a pain relief medication or also prescribe medicines that help with nausea and vomiting. Some people need preventive medicines that are taken every day to reduce the number and severity of the migraines.

Some doctors teach a technique called biofeedback to their patients with migraines. This technique helps a person learn to relax and use the brain to gain control over certain body functions (like heart rate and muscle stress) that cause tension and pain. If a migraine begins slowly, many people can use biofeedback to remain calm and stop the attack.

There have also been studies indicating that some alternative methods, such as acupuncture and the use of certain herbs, can help some people. However, it is important to ask your physician about alternative medicines before trying them for yourself. This is especially true of herbal treatments because they can interfere with more traditional methods of treatment.

Preventing a Migraine

The best way to prevent migraines is to learn what triggers (sets off) your migraines and then try to avoid these triggers. Take a break from activities that provoke a migraine, such as using the computer for a long time. If you know that certain foods trigger your migraines, try to avoid them. Some people find that cutting back on caffeine intake or drinking a lot of water can help prevent migraines.

Make a plan for all the things you have to do — especially during stressful times like final exams — so you don't feel overwhelmed when things pile up. Regular exercise can also reduce stress and make you feel better. If your doctor has prescribed medication, always have a dose on hand. Then if you feel a migraine coming, take your medicine. You can also try lying down in a quiet, dark room until the pain starts to go away.

Because migraines are so different for different people, it helps to keep a headache diary and get to know what provokes migraines in your own case. The more you understand your headaches, the better prepared you can be to fight them.

owh hp ;(

erm lately ni hp aq neh dh mule wat prangai..
bru nk msg dh bateri plk kong...
owh pe laa nsb..
xpe2 biar aq pilih which one bettr to angkt maa..


The last super camera phone from SE, the K850i didn’t impress many. And here they have another one now C905, that looks much more promising to us. Believed to be one of the best camera phones around, the C905 has an 8 megapixel camera under the hood.

Here is a quick look at the specs:

  • 8.1 Megapixel Cyber-Shot™ Camera with 16 x Zoom (digital)
  • xenon flash & geo-tagging
  • Camera Image Stabilizer & Red Eye Reduction
  • Wi-Fi
  • 2.4″ TFT 256K-color display
  • AGPS + turn-by-turn voice guided navigation
  • 2G HSDPA Technology
  • Bluetooth (with A2DP)
  • Exchange ActiveSync®
  • Media Player With Album Art Display
  • 360 Hours 3G Standby
  • FM radio with RDS and TrackID
  • 160 MB built-in memory, M2 card support, 2GB included (though I got 8GB in the box)


The C905 is a slider weighing 136 grams. There are 6 buttons below the display along with a 5 way D Pad. And 2 buttons above the display, which are somewhat hidden and are used for picture slideshow and timeline picture album in normal mode but buttons are named as Game A and Game B (thought we didn’t find games using those as yet) I would love to map them with other application after few days that would let you do almost anything that doesn’t require a keypad.


ygni cm best...
tp yg ni pon aq nngk cm gempk gak..



The main specs and features of Sony Ericsson W995 include:

  • 2.6 inch scratch-resistant display
  • Quad band GSM connectivity
  • Dual band HSDPA connectivity (tri-band HSDPA for the North American version)
  • 8MP autofocus camera with LED flash and smile shutter
  • Wi-Fi
  • A-GPS
  • Accelerometer
  • Walkman Player
  • 3.5mm headset jack
  • Bluetooth with A2DP
  • YouTube player
  • 8GB M2 card in the box

pening2 duit dlm kocek dh smkn menyusut..
cm ne la nk buy a new handphone one..
cm ne eh??
any idea??
mayb hope durian runtuh kowt??

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

~tagged by madi~

1.If you can be an animal, what will u be?
white tiger..coz ist its unique,2nd can run fast..(spe xnk lri lju oi)

2. If you robbed a bank, what do you want to do with the money?

g lbur kt bursa shm..pas tu of course i want my bmw motorcycle 1000cc ...(vroooom)

3. If you can teleport yourself anywhere in the world, where do you want to be? why?

eifel tower in paris..Seru amat!!

4. If you know that you are dying, what is the last meal that you want? why?
domino pizza..urmmm yummy :P

5. If you can only kill one person in this world, who is the person? why?
andy..erm de r

6. If you can choose either to have more than 24 hours a day or can live more than 100 years, what is your choice? why?
idup lelame pn klu byk mroskkn hrt allh kt muke bumi ni pn nk wt better more thn 24 hour coz can tdo dgn ashik!!

7. If you can date celebrities, who is that person? why?

t@YLOR swift..cantek amettt!!

8. If you can only have 1 thing in this world, what should that be? Why?
my family..of course what..

9. If you have the opportunity to tag 7 of your friends, who are they? why?
anthr ghost
the rail
n kamu kamu skalian

~tagged by myro~

1.If you can be an animal, what will u be? baby run, don't ever look back..haha

2. If you robbed a bank, what do you want to do with the money?

join black money in China, invest RM1m , I'll receive RM3m per week..hahaha

3. If you can teleport yourself anywhere in the world, where do you want to be? why?

the center of the earth..sbb ade movie 'journey to the center of the earth"

4. If you know that you are dying, what is the last meal that you want? why?
i love lamb i want lamb chop..huhu

5. If you can only kill one person in this world, who is the person? why?

6. If you can choose either to have more than 24 hours a day or can live more than 100 years, what is your choice? why?
walaupun idop 1000 tahun kalau tak smbahyang ape gune nyer..hahaha
i'll choose more than 24hours..

7. If you can date celebrities, who is that person? why?

vanessa hudgens..she's hot kowt

8. If you can only have 1 thing in this world, what should that be? Why?
i want something of my everything (:
faham ??

9. If you have the opportunity to tag 7 of your friends, who are they? why?
n those yg bace bnde ni

Friday, June 19, 2009

sepetang di d@iM@n bOwLiNg..

hey2..brtemu kmbli slps kmlsn yg teramat untuk aq menulis story pasl activity cuti sem yg trsgt la boring..
mklum r bab2 mnulis ni mmg aq lmh ckit..hihi
hua2n!!*wei geng uniten, korg ble k lepk ngn aq minggu ni??* xp xp
k k..nk djadikn story..once upon a time pd khms yg lalu g la aq mlayn adik aq yg sorg ni ke daiman bowl kt johor jaye..tmpt dye dkt jerk umh..erm dlm stngh jam smpi r..ha2x dkt ke 2??
even aq kuar ngn bdk2 ni,tp lyn pale gak dork!!
pasl dh lme aq x rse jd bdk2 mule yg kekadang kte pn xtrase mse 2 smkin hari smkin menjauhi dr khidupn seharian kite yg kini bergelar student "U"..
pesal skema sgt aq tulis ayt2 cm ni..hahah.. ktowg bru nk smpi tmpt bowling 2..
hmmm ssh btol r nk cr parking..he2

haaa ni la tmpt ny..
tmpt ni gak tmpt aq kje dlu..
ehem nk promote kjp..dlu aq kje kt cni r sbgi instructor bowling..
best gak la kje kt cni pasl byk lepk dr kje..
org yg yg xtau nk maen t tugs aq ajr org 2 la cm ne starting nk baling bnd alah 2..

ish2 ksut spe la yg berbau 2..ha2x
dh2 ktorg nk start game nie..

nk maen mesti r de r de binatang ni..
he2 yg wrne cmpur2 2 la aq pny..
bola ong la ktekn.. xp

ha2 x bleh bla!!
poyo seh!!
picture aq ske ati aq la..he2x

so ni la bdk2 yg aq ckp kn 2..
sume smgt2 sey bdn..
ha2 aq je yg slim kt situ..haha!!!
yg tengh2 tu r adik aq..

ni r antre bp2 takeshoot yg sempt dirembt msk kdlm blog ni..
yg lain 2 sume dh delete
nseb baek r time ni org x rmi lg...hahhaha!!

erm time ni dh abs dh game r..

so..takat 2 je r pe yg dpt aq story serba sikit kt korg..
walaupn xlme mse 2..
tp leh r dktekn best,dr aq memerap kt umh xwt pape..
so guys aq rse aq nk ends kn story aq kli ni smpi takat ni..
erm anythng just p/m aq je okie..
nntkn story aq d batu layar next time..
kli ni plk ngn bekas ex school mate aq dlu..
erm yg ni sure gempk psl ktorg midnight kt sne..
erm ckit2 story dh la yer..
t ble tbe krjinn aq nk tulis lg aq membebel r kt korg..
k arios amigous!!